Thursday, April 26, 2012

Welcome to Texas!

Yet again, I am starting my blog post by apologizing for my month long delay.  I feel compelled to step up my game as my dear friend Alaina mentioned in a recent blog post how behind we both were on our blogging....

So here it is: back to March.  I arrived back in NC around midnight on Monday night from my spring break trip.  Friday morning, I was on a 6am flight headed to Midland, Texas.

Why Midland you ask?  Well, let me explain. One of my best friends from college, David, moved to Dallas after we graduated and fell for girl named Katie.  Who happened to be from Midland, Texas.  So off to Midland we went.  Thankfully, I had three fantastic girls to serve as my travel buddies for this adventure: Emily, Gretchen & Shanley.

As I mentioned, our flight left RDU at 6am on Friday and after a layover in Memphis, we were supposed to be on our way to Lubbock, TX where we would rent our car and drive the last two hours to Midland.  The adventures basically started as soon as we boarded the plane since we had some sort of weather disturbance (a month later I’m still not exactly sure what happened) which landed us in Dallas for a while.  Eight hours after we left RDU, we made it to Lubbock.  Needless to say, we were quick excited to be in Texas!

Once we made it to Midland, we changed and headed to the rehearsal dinner, where we were able to see old friends and make new ones.  After the dinner, we headed to a little bar around the corner and spent the evening just hanging out and having our own mini Wake Forest reunion.  I loved my time at Wake, but being around these friends helped me to remember how blessed I was during college to be around such amazing people.  And it made me miss college.

Saturday we spent a little time exploring Midland, finding a little lake and park in the city.  It was wonderful to just relax and hang out.   Mid-afternoon we started getting ready for the wedding and headed over to the church.  

Not that I would expect anything less, but the wedding was absolutely beautiful.  Katie was stunning and both she and David looked so incredibly happy. 

We headed to the Midland Country Club for the reception and we had an absolute blast.  Once the music started, I don’t think we left the dance floor.  I even forgot to eat wedding cake because we were so busy dancing and just having a great time.  The dancing even continued after David and Katie left, as one of our new friends taught us a fantastic new line dance.  I gave up early and took pictures instead, but Gretchen was a champ.

Sunday we did a little more exploring, including seeing the childhood home for the Bush family, one of the major attractions in Midland.  After that, we headed back to Lubbock to start another three leg flight home.  After a few bumps and snags in getting home, we finally made it back around midnight on Sunday.  A whirlwind trip, but absolutely worth it.
Before I conclude my post, I should probably bring up one of the more entertaining details of our trip.  During the hours we spent in the car driving from Lubbock to Midland, the four of us decided to make a list of things we should do in Midland. Twenty-six things to be exact, one for each letter of the alphabet.  I’m very proud to say that in our 48 hours in Texas, we accomplished almost our entire list.  Felt just like college again J